Sustainable Futures for Museums and Heritage Sites



University partner institutions

Université de la Manouba (UM), Tunisia

Prof. Dr. Lamia Ben Abid (also head of the research laboratory "Regions and cultural resources in Tunisia: an interdisciplinary approach" at UM)

Helwan University (HU), Egypt

Prof. Dr. Aly Omar Abdallah (Head of the Dept. of Heritage and Museum Studies)

Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU), Germany

Prof. Dr. Guido Fackler (Leiter der Professur für Museologie)

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Non-university actors


Musée de la Place du leader, Tunis

Awatef Bahroun


Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities of Egypt, Museums Sector affiliated to the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Äypten 

Dr. Moamen Othman (Head of the museum secotor in the ministry)

Children's Civilization and Creativity Center (Child Museum) Kairo, Ägypten

Dr. Ossama Abdel-Me-guid


Agency for Inclusive Cultural Projects

Simone Doll-Gersten-dörfer

Badisches Landesmuseum (BLM) Karlsruhe

Prof. Dr. Eckhard Köhne, Lars Petersen

Federal Association for Museum Education (BVMP), Working Group on Education for Sustainable Development (BnE),

Jakob Ackermann, Dr. Elke Kollar, Dr. Carola Rupprecht

German Occupational Health and Safety Exhibition (DASA) Dortmund (Museum)

Prof. Dr. Gregor Isenbort

Franconian Open-Air Museum Fladungen

Dr. Ariane Weidlich

Faculty of Design, University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt (FHWS)

Prof. Claudia Frey

Jangled Nerves, Stuttgart (Exhibition Agency)

Prof. Thomas Hundt, Ingo Zirngibl

Landesmuseum Württemberg Stuttgart (WLM)

Prof. Dr. Astrid Pellengahr

State Museum of Hanover (LMH)

Prof. Dr. Katja Lembke

Department of Egyptology, JMU

Prof. Dr. Martin Stadler

LWL Museum of Archaeology / Westphalian State Museum Hern (WLH)

Dr. Doreen Mölders

Museum Educational Centre (MPZ), München

Dr. Elke Kollar

Neanderthal Museum, Mettmann

Dr. Bärbel Auffermann

State Museum of Archaeology (smac ), Chemnitz

Dr. Sabine Wolfram

Space4 Stuttgart (Exhibition Agency)

Henning Meyer

State Textile and Industry Museum (Tim) Augsburg

Dr. Karl Borromäus Murr

TECHNOSEUM. State Museum for Technology and Work Mannheim

Dr. Jens Bortloff

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The planned project is committed to an overall equal, partnership-based, non-discriminatory, and dialogue-oriented interaction among all network actors: All project partners meet on equal terms and with respect for the cultural specifics of the partner countries, striving to question and dismantle colonial stereotypes and other prejudices.